For the first half of the twentieth century Nietzsche was largely misconstrued as being the primary philosopher of Nazism even though he is quite explicit about his hatred for German nationalism and anti-Semitism in many of his writings. Nietzsche has influenced twentieth century thought more than almost any other thinker.


Nietzsche postulates that only one who is weak, sickly or ignoble would subscribe to such a belief. Nietzsche goes on to relate this obsession with the non-physical realm to Christianity and the concept of Heaven. Nietzsche indicates that the belief in the Christian God is a similar decadence and hatred of life.

‘One must be superior to mankind in force, in loftiness of soul—in contempt’. In these two devastating works, Nietzsche offers a sustained and often vitriolic attack on the morality and the beliefs of his time, in particular those of Hegel, Kant and Schopenhaur. Se hela listan på 2021-04-23 · 1. / —Let us look each other in the face. We are Hyperboreans—we know well enough how remote our place is.

Antichrist nietzsche sparknotes

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He did not engage in faith, but only in actions, and these actions prescribed a way of life which Nietzsche sees as rather Buddhistic. It was written during a time when to designate a book as "anti-Christ" or "anti-Christian" would have represented a great evil in Germany. Nietzsche suggests that in order to properly appreciate the work, one might have to be the kind of person who appreciated his prior work Zarathustra, and adds that for truly groundbreaking ideas, a true reception often has to be posthumous. Nietzsche argues that this is religious garbage and essentially amounts to teaching lions to feel bad for sheep, to quote another of his works. The effect is that there is now a need for a new modus operandi. If not pity, then what?

However, he tells us that Buddhism is a hundred times more realistic that Christianity: posing problems objectively and coolly is part of its inheritance, for Buddhism comes after a philosophic movement that spanned centuries.

The antichrist nietzsche summary Source: Imaginative conservative Note Summarizer's note: The following is my interpretation, and it's neither a complete nor a summary of Nietzsche's best position alone. If that's what you're looking for, it's a short read, so do it. All texts, translated by H.L. Mencken. --- Nietzsche starts, as all

The Antichrist was intended as the first part of a four-part work to be titled The Revaluation of All Values—Nietzsche’s desire to lay bare the psychological, social, and cultural weaknesses that humanity has imposed upon itself over the past two thousand years, and to point to a higher sense of health and creative development and responsibility for the future. Nietzsche could easily accept these attributes as attributes of his own character — not that the only persona he assumed was that of Dionysus. As he would sometimes sign himself ‘Dionysus’, so he could and did also sign himself ‘The Antichrist’. In 1888 he wrote, and in 1895 he published, The Antichrist.

Antichrist nietzsche sparknotes

Nietzsche studies, beset by lingering fascistic associations on one side and self-styled undergraduate Übermenschen on the other, has long struggled to achieve an air of legitimacy. Perhaps this anxiety is why The Antichrist (Cambridge University Press, 2005), with its fantastical title and placement in Friedrich Nietzsche’s corpus a scant couple of months prior to his catastrophic mental

Nietzsche paints a picture of the Jesus of history as being a true evangel, which means that he did not subscribe to the concepts of guilt, punishment, and reward. He did not engage in faith, but only in actions, and these actions prescribed a way of life which Nietzsche sees as rather Buddhistic. It was written during a time when to designate a book as "anti-Christ" or "anti-Christian" would have represented a great evil in Germany. Nietzsche suggests that in order to properly appreciate the work, one might have to be the kind of person who appreciated his prior work Zarathustra, and adds that for truly groundbreaking ideas, a true reception often has to be posthumous. Nietzsche argues that this is religious garbage and essentially amounts to teaching lions to feel bad for sheep, to quote another of his works.

THE ANTICHRIST 1. —Let us look each other in the face.
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Antichrist nietzsche sparknotes

The antichrist nietzsche summary Source: Imaginative conservative Note Summarizer's note: The following is my interpretation, and it's neither a complete nor a summary of Nietzsche's best position alone. If that's what you're looking for, it's a short read, so do it. All texts, translated by H.L. Mencken. --- Nietzsche starts, as all were published immediately, but “The Antichrist” did not get into type until 1895.

We are Hyperboreans; we know very well how far off we live. "Neither by land … Nietzsche notes that the Jews, facing this historically difficult question "to be or not to be," decided that their answer would be "to be at any price." And the price they paid was high indeed; their soul as a nation, one could say.
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'The AntiChrist' by Nietzsche is a deep exploration of symbolism and a repudiation of Christianity. Through this novel, the author sought to destroy religious beliefs and archetypes.

In his essay, The Antichrist, Nietzsche explains that not all religion is unnatural. He cites Buddhism as another nihilistic religion, a religion of decadence. However, he tells us that Buddhism is a hundred times more realistic that Christianity: posing problems objectively and coolly is part of its inheritance, for Buddhism comes after a philosophic movement that spanned centuries. Friedrich W. Nietzsche. THE ANTICHRIST 1. —Let us look each other in the face. We are Hyperboreans—we know well enough how remote our place is.